
How long is the delivery time?

As soon as we get your order it is routed to a production facility that meets your specific order's requirements. The order is then picked, processed and packed within 1-3 business days.

Your parcel then begins its journey once it been picked up for delivery by one of our shipping partners. If your order isn’t finished in time for the daily pick-up it will be picked up the next business day.

Standard Delivery times:
Business days, including production time, shipping time and customs handling

Austria 4-7 business days
Belgium 4-7 business days
Bulgaria 5-8 business days
Czech Republic 2-5 business days
Denmark 5-8 business days
Estonia 5-8 business days
Finland 6-9 business days
France 4-7 business days
Germany 2-5 business days
Greece 6-9 business days
Hungary 5-8 business days
Ireland 8-11 business days
Italy 3-5 business days
Latvia 8-11 business days
Lithuania 7-10 business days
Luxembourg 4-7 business days
Netherlands 4-7 business days
Norway 7-11 business days
Poland 3-6 business days
Portugal 4-7 business days
Romania 5-8 business days
Slovak Republic 6-9 business days
Slovenia 6-9 business days
Spain 5-8 business days
Sweden 5-8 business days
Switzerland 8-10 business days
Türkiye 9-12 business days
United Kingdom 7-10 business days

United States
California 7-10 business days
Florida 5-8 business days
Illinois 5-8 business days
New York 5-8 business days
Texas 4-7 business days
Utah 5-8 business days

Australia 9-13 business days
Brazil 16-25 business days
Canada 9-13 business days
Israel 9-12 business days
Japan 8-11 business days
New Zealand 14-17 business days
Singapore 6-10 business days

Please note: Delivery times are approximate and may be subject to unforeseen delays. In some cases, parcels may arrive earlier than stated. Counter Cultural cannot be held responsible for courier errors or delays once an order has left our production hubs. If you feel your delivery has been misplaced or is taking longer than expected, please contact us directly.